Vladimíra Burianová
Member of the Union of Fine Artists, Czech Republic
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Written about me

Vladimíra Burianová

Few people have a life as hard and painful as hers.

Few people so bravely struggle with the fate and the inadequacy of their own body like her.

Few have so beautiful a soul and can do as much as she does.

Few people are so quiet, unobtrusive and modest, so they do not write about them she, but we, her friends.

There are painters who paint for glory, for money, for the admiration of others, for joy. The prince pains, just as he lives - quietly, neocasally, perhaps shy, in fact, rather for himself, for his own inner needs. Therefore, her work is not fancy, first-time, appealing to fashion trends, and sometimes not just enjoyable to look at them or think about them. Selection of topics or technicians the years do not change much. In all its paintings and drawings, a search is evident the desire to live in the struggles of life, and the desire for harmony and peace. Even in the case of portraits and landscapes, it is not only seen but seen by us the ability to reveal hidden storylines, to perceive contexts and to perceive or suffer the mood of the moment. It often reflects human suffering in all sorts of ways forms - children in children's homes, old people, sick and dying, deserted, starving, desperate, lost and seemingly vainly seeking. By contrasting and responding to unspoken questions, landscapes can be clarified with warm light, houses inviting a warm door and glowing windows, the promising and at the same time humble expressions of religious, the basic verticals of life depicted church tower, poetically tuned and colorful paintings with children's motifs.

Vladimira was born in 1961 in Ash. She graduated from SUPŠ in Uherské Hradiště. After completing her studies she worked as a teacher of drawing and painting at LES in Cheb later she went to Prague and worked for FS Barrandov as a choreographer of cartoons. Unfortunately, her state of health did not allow further study and work development. Independently exhibited in Cheb and Prague in the 1990s. She also participated in several group exhibitions such as "The Eyes of Joyous Rumor and Handicap", organized by the occasion of the 2000 Břevnov Monastery. In recent years, she has continued to do so worsening health problems allow them to form only occasionally and limitedly. Yet illustrated the textbook of religion for the youngest children, participated in the illustrations Magazine, created designs for postcards, participated in the production of folio for Libero, is the author of the logo for the weak-sighted, is educated and also works in the field of restoration of paintings (eg churches in Michle, Krč, Modřany ...).

Review her work and judge yourself.

Markéta Zenklová (2004)