Vladimíra Burianová
Member of the Union of Fine Artists, Czech Republic
Česky English
Farní charita
Farnost Stodůlky
Jan Horák
Miroslav Vocílka
MVDr. Jiří Musil
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(C) Pavel Stránský, 2004-2020 (Login)


Personal Information

Name:Vladimíra Burianová
Location: Praha
Phone:773 867 711

Professional data

Education:1976 - 1980Secondary Art and Industrial School in Uherské Hradiště
Professional:1980 - 1986Cheb Folk Art School, class teacher
  painting, decoration, graphicsa
 1986 - 1987Short Film Prague
  colorist, contourist
 1987full disability pension
 1988 - 1989National Museum of Prague
  a worker in the anthropological department
Other:drawing postcards
  illustrations for magazines
  the foil
  logos, ex-libris
  restoration of paintings, small objects and sculptures
  reconstruction of God's mourning
Member since 2011 Union of Fine Artists.

Exhibitions of your own creation (pictures, drawings, illustrations, poems)

1981Theater in Cheb
1983KASS Cheb
1995Unicorn Gallery, Prague
1998Břevnov Monastery, Prague
2003Church of Mr. Sněžné, Prague
2004Community Center, Prague 13
2004Gallery in Peruci
2005Hájek Monastery
2005Exhibition of artists, Church of St. Sněžné, Prague
2005Church of Mr. Sněžné, Prague
2006Flame of Knowledge, Church of St. Sněžné, Prague
2007Jindris Tower in Prague
2007Svinara Chateau
2008Exhibition of artists at the Uhřinyvsi Museum
2009Johnson Diversey premises, Prague
2009Community Center, Prague 13
2014Musical theater for children, Hradec Králové
2014Symposium of Our Lady, Grux Gallery, Brandýs nad Labem
2015Gallery for oncology patients, their close and supporting artists
Gaudia Civic Association against Cancer, Prague

Other abilities

PC:Windows, Word, Internet, E-mail
Foreign languages:german (passive)


music, fine art, literature, travel

What I can offer

Can I do any job in cleaning, managing or restoration of paintings, making logos, illustrations, especially illustrations for children books and magazines. I can teach drawing or help with preparing for secondary art schools. With all this work I have rich experience. I'd love to do animation. With respect to my state of health is difficult for me to commute, and therefore for I was most receptive to the work that I could do mostly at home with occasional consultations. I have a permanent connection to Internet.