Vladimíra Burianová
Member of the Union of Fine Artists, Czech Republic
Česky English
Farní charita
Farnost Stodůlky
Jan Horák
Miroslav Vocílka
MVDr. Jiří Musil
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(C) Pavel Stránský, 2004-2020 (Login)


Records 1 - 15 from the total number of 15 shown. Show records on a page.

I offer a selection of photos from the summer months of 2011. I celebrated my life anniversary, visited places in the Czech Republic and bathed in the sea in Tunisia.


At Hvězda park with father Michal

In the Botanical Garden in Prague

With Peťa in Průhonice park

Mrs Lorencová

In an airplane traveling to see the sea

... and the see

Mr. & Mrs. Navy

After the sea food

Vojta's birthday

Guess my age!

With Přemek

With Peťa


Summer 2011